A group of students from
@BSSWorldwide visited @urban_clifton #CliftonUrbanForest planted trees & did a nature walk. Thrilled to see the excitement among youth for the #trees and #ecosystem restoration.
Join FGRF, Plant a Sapling in your Country Tag #FGRFGreenWorld Share and send a video us on our WhatsApp number on 21st March. Let’s make a global impact together
Save Our Mangroves Now! Environmentalist Tariq Alexander Qaiser talks about the effects of mangrove deforestation in Sindh’s coastal regions and why we must protect them.
#ChaiToastAurHost #AroojAbbas #Season5
GOOD NEWS | The DC Central has removed the entry fee on all the parks of his district. The general public should not pay any entrance fee from now.
#Karachi #TOKAlert